Invest Florida - A Real Estate Podcast

Ep. 209 Jeremy Kloter: Market Outlook Now and After COVID-19



Today we talk with Jeremy Kloter, owner of Out Fast Property Management, about how the market is looking currently, how it will evolve over the next several months, and what the market will look like post COVID19. Eric thinks that after the evictions and foreclosures start hitting the market again, we will see a short flattening of the price curve, and then there will be a pricing bubble as the market heats up over the next 18 months. As Eric says, "You can't dump trillions of dollars into the economy and have it not affect real asset values."   We also discuss property prices, property management, fix-and-flips, and funds.   Key Discussion Points [01:01] Opening remarks by Eric Odum [02:19] About our guest: Jeremy Kloter [03:29] Tell us about your background and how you got into real estate [05:38] What are you seeing in the market, and how has it changed since COVID? [08:06] Are you seeing prices of properties getting bid up very quickly? [09:56] How do you see the market evolving the next several months a