First Church Charlotte

Going God's Way



Oct 27, 2019, | Pastor Nathan Elms -Most of us understand that God holds tomorrow. He sees what we do not. -All of us are intrigued by the idea of having God give us direction… whenever we have big decisions to make… whenever we face real fear about the unknown… -Faced with uncertainty, with fear, we ask for God to “give us a sign” -That isn’t really what I’m preaching about. Much of that is using God as a consultant. God offered something better than guidance; he promised to be their Guide. What is better than God's guidance? God's Presence "My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest" (Ex. 33:14). -Rest is a testimony of trust. MY WAY OFTEN FEELS INSIGNIFICANT No matter what you do, someone will be better. When we compare ourselves one to another it becomes a trap. -The thrust of this text is that because of the accompanying presence of God, we are significant among others. -We aren't significant because we are weird, queer, or odd. We are significant because God's presence accompanies us