First Church Charlotte

Can You Help Me Get Home?



July 19, 2020 | Pastor Nathan Elms The church is the original, "Can you help me get home?" program. We are all cast-a-ways from the presence of God. Except for the grace of God, we are all runaways. We cannot have look at people where they are presently, because they might be dreaming of Heaven. If people want to be helped, they can then be helped, but know that God will not give up on people or you. When Jesus sees a sinner, He doesn't see an enemy, but instead he sees a lost child that He wants to guide home. We all need to be born again & cannot earn salvation for ourselves. Every person bears the image of God; which gives value and identity. At some point we have to choose to come home to God. All the Kingdom of God is helping lost children find their way home. The church is a program to helping you get back home to God.