First Church Charlotte

Spiritual Coin



August 9, 2020 | Pastor Nathan Elms As believers, we strive to value our lives in terms of the spiritual… The thing that most represents the things of this world is money. But what gives money value? That does not mean that the money has no value. It means that the money only has value in the system that values it.  If you were in a wilderness neither the dollars or the gold would help you at all. If, however, you were in the “system” you could turn the paper or the gold into shelter and food.  Because in a “system” that values money, you can turn money into anything… But if the “system” is gone, the money has no value…  We separate the worldly from the spiritual… Jesus used the worldly to teach about the spiritual… Are you ready for a surprise? Your money is a test. Hoarding This is not about savings or having life insurance policies. It’s wise to save rather than spend everything. Proverbs 30 says even tiny ants are wise enough to store something from summer to get them through the winter. This is about ho