First Church Charlotte

Physician Heal Thyself



October 4, 2020 | Pastor Nathan Elms What do we mean by Apostolic? I believe I have some credibility when I say that the defining element of the Apostolic movement is zeal for the Lord... Your strength is often also your weakness... We have done some harm by being zealous in a less than temperate way... as pastors, as parents, as soul- winners... Medicine is such a respectable profession today... But this wasn’t always so… There were honorable physicians among the Jews, but the writings of the rabbis include this line: “The best among the physicians are destined for hell.” And so, in the Mishnah, physicians are listed among the “trades of robbers.” If a doctor wanted to cheat you... there would be very little you could do about it. The Hippocratic Oath bans doctors from poisoning their patients. Strange. But consider the Romans...Romans hated their doctors. Rome’s first official physician, Arcagthus, was given the nickname Carniflex, meaning executioner. Roman physicians were, however, expert poisoners, an