The Priestess Podcast

Elayne Fluker on "I Got It" Syndrome (E125)



I wonder how many times in life you may have (somewhat huffily!) said to yourself “I’ve got it!” or “Thanks but no I don’t need help” or muttered under your breath - “I should have done it myself.” If you’re anything like me at all then you probably have - and more than once too. My wonderful guest on The Priestess Podcast today Elayne Fluker calls this “I got it” syndrome and believes it is something that so many modern women are feeling the pressure and weight of under heavy cloaks of expectation and the belief that to be successful we have to have it all. If you have ever felt alone and wondered if you need to truly take on everything yourself or it will NEVER get done or done to the standards you want - Elayne is about to be your new BFF! Listen up to her amazing HELP model - it may just change the way you ask for support in your life forever.