The Priestess Podcast

Syma Kharal on The Flourishing Goddess (E152)



For someone who was raised in a religion and way of life that was not related to the Goddess at all, you’re about to find yourself deeply inspired by my guest today and her now total devotion to Her. Syma Kharal joins me in this episode of The Priestess Podcast where she shares her journey of connecting to the Goddess in Her many forms and how She works with Her in her global business helping women rise and connect to their divinity. In particular, Syma shares with us how she feels the Goddess has helped her flourish as a woman and even though the two of us come from entirely different worlds, we find we have a shared love and connection to the same Goddess who was an early part of our Goddess journey. Get ready to have your heart captured by this extraordinary woman and Goddess devotee!