Hearts Ablaze Corner

The Huge Divide - Part 2



It's time to bridge the huge divide between our perspective of prayer and that of God. Jesus prevailed in prayer. Prayer was His very life. Everything began and ended in prayer. He prayed before He did things. He prayed while He did them and after He had done them, He prayed! We see the fruit borne, the results of His prayer, and the manifestation of our Father's will. We are here today, because Jesus prayed, and He is still prevailing in prayer as He intercedes for us, at the right hand of the Father.. What an example we have in Jesus! Yet, it points to the huge divide, this great gap between what we call prayer and God’s definition, lived by His Son, Jesus. Generally, we do not pray like Jesus nor do we truly seek to communicate with our Heavenly Father, on an ongoing basis. Prayer, far too often, is sporadic and governed by our emotions. It becomes a matter of: “Do I feel like praying, today?” This is, primarily, responsible for prayerlessness in the lives of so many. Add much chatter about prayer and reli