Creative Living With Jamie

CLwJ 264: How do you find your subject? Artist Mario A Robinson shares how he finds his - and how you can find yours.



Creative Living with Jamie (episode 264): Interview with Mario Andres Robinson How do you pour love into a  painting? That's the impossible question I asked artist Mario A. Robinson after his portraits made me cry. I'm delighted he was willing to answer this question and many more on Creative Living with Jamie. Mario studied at the prestigious Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, New York. Early in his development, he began looking to the great masters for inspiration and technical insight. An avid student of realism, he studied the elemental principles of painting by exploring the work and technique of Old Masters such as Rembrandt, Vermeer and Degas. However, it was the work of 19th and 20th century American artists that provided Robinson with the strongest stylistic foundation, helping him forge and define his own artistic sensibility. Connect with Mario Andres Robinson Website: Facebook: Mario A Robinson Instagram: @MarioARobinson Mario's Book: Lessons in Realistic Watercolor Mario's Online Cl