Creative Living With Jamie

CLwJ 274: When Is It Too Late to Dream?



Creative Living with Jamie (episode 274): Too Late to Dream For most of my life, I felt like I was running behind, that it was too late for me to make my dreams come true. It took me a long time but eventually I found my way and I know that you can too. Announcement: Join me for Planning Day! Visit the Academy for more details. Connect with Jamie If you’ve been looking for a place to fill your creative well, to discover your creative self, to stretch your creative wings, Jamie Ridler Studios is here for you. Gain access to a treasure trove of inspiration and support for your creative heart when you join the studio. Website: Jamie Ridler Studios Classes: The Creative Living Academy Podcast: Creative Living with Jamie YouTube: Creative Living TV Facebook: @jamieridlerstudios Twitter: @starshyne Instagram: @starshyne Pinterest: @starshyne Shine a Light ~ Spread the Magic Whether this is the first episode that you've listened to or we've been hanging out for years, I am so glad that you're here.  I love knowing