

The Busy Creator Podcast, episode 24 with Word-of-Mouth Marketing Guru Saul Colt 2014.09.22 by Prescott Perez-Fox |  Edit » The Busy Creator Podcast, episode 24 with Word-of-Mouth Marketing Guru Saul Colt Saul Colt (@SaulColt) is one of the world’s leaders in word-of-mouth marketing. Over the years, he’s bolstered the reputations of his companies and clients by connecting audiences with brands, and by making people think, laugh, and cry. A well-known and well-liked figure across North America, Saul has built a network of creative pros and in turn those relationships have help build his own reputation. In this discussion, we hear how Saul became a connector, how he spent his character-building years as a comic book writer, and how he still struggles (surprisingly) with his own shyness and fear of rejection. Video shows Saul’s skywriting stunt, mentioned in the episode. Saul is now Chief Evangelist at Xero, a small business online accounting software company. Catch up with him on his blog,       0