The Busy Creator Podcast With Prescott Perez-fox - Conversations On Creative Culture, Workflow & Productivity

An Introduction to Freelancing — Definitions, Ailments, Mindsets, and Advice for new and veteran freelancers — The Busy Creator Podcast 73



Freelancers can no longer be ignored as fringe workers, in-betweeners, and the occassional slacker seeking to hide his true unemployment. Freelancers now make up a significant portion of the creative economy, especially in Cities like New York where fashion, film, theatre, design, and music industries thrive outside the walls of conventional employment relationships. In this episode, we hear from Alex Signh (@AutomaticYes), Co-Founder of Domino, an online community for freelancers, Matt Inglot (@MattInglot), host of the Freelance Transformation podcast, and Jaime Campbell (@TierOneServices), a CPA and business coach who has worked with freelancers throughout her career. Together we examine some definitions, ailments, and mindsets shared by freelancers. We also drop a few action steps any freelancer can take to make the transition — or the next step — that much smoother. Show Notes & Links 6 Mistakes Every New Freelancer Makes by Domino The New Normal by Kristen Fischer Kristen Fischer on The Busy Creator