Cody Brown Show

Introduction - Surmount Blockages (Creative Blockages)



It’s normal to have a stopping point. Pausing your present by reflecting your annualization of your current situation. Resetting motion function can be very difficult to process. We can become overwhelmed whether it’s a personal condition or business conditions. These circumstances can be misleading as challenges. Such an effect, that will limit your belief or this effect will limit your opinion. I am going to talk about seven creative blockages that are related to personal blockages and business blockages. Acknowledging your motivation is being blocked is the first step to personal success and leadership success. We can sabotage ourselves without even realizing it. Are you self sabotaging yourself? If you are not sure? The question to ask yourself is: Am I being too hard on myself? What is Personal? “done or made by a particular person; involving the actual presence or action of a particular individual.” What is Business? “a person's regular occupation, profession, or trade.” What are blockages? Delays that