Cody Brown Show

Surmount Blockages (Exercise)



Welcome too The Cody Brown Show. I am you via host Cody Brown.  I want to share with you some techniques you can use to help you minimize surmount blockages.  We are creators and we create.  Not only did I believe this exercise would be beneficial to me. I believe it will add on to you as a great benefit as well. So, actively attending the creators circle. A place where creators come together and we participate in what is required of us or from us.  So, I’m going to give you some instructions. Understand this will not be successful if you're not honest with yourself. You could be juggling multiple things.  So, it would be good to choose realistically.  Meaning if you plan to fill in the ______(blank) in three ways.  If you have to defend yourself quite often now is the time to choose what you feel will help you grow.  You want to choose something that will create a source of income. You want to choose what suits your interest.  Get three pieces of paper and somethi