Crystal Sparks's Podcast

91. The 7 things I would tell you over coffee



In this podcast I talk about the 7 things I would tell you if we were having coffee together.1. Your goal list for next year is great but what are you willing to give up?Luke 14:282. Just because you aren't feeling supported doesn't mean you aren't being supported.3. You have always figured "it" out.Deut 32:74. Do your best and even then you will fall short.2 Corinthians 12:95. If it feels like too much- it is!6. It is not about you (See episode 84 for more on this one)Luke 10:167. Other people's happiness is not a problem you are required to solve.Matthew 10:14If you want to sign up for my emails: me on Instagram: @crystal_sparksFollow me on Facebook: your ticket to the dance party and workshop on February 7th and 8th. My End of Year Review and you can get the Best Year Ever are great tools to get clear about what you want.