Inspiring You With Henri Hebert

Ep 36: Mindfulness of Thoughts



#36 | September 20, 2021 Mindfulness of Thoughts Just as it’s possible to direct attention to the breath, to body sensations, or to sounds, the same mindful loving awareness can be directed to observe thought. To experiment and understand this, try a one-minute practice of counting your thoughts. You will notice picture thoughts and words thoughts. Some people think primarily in images, others in words, and some have the audio and visual thoughts coming together. Just notice. There might also be very soft thoughts that come in the background saying things like “there haven’t been many thoughts yet." Your job for this mindfulness meditation is to sit for one minute, and simply number the thoughts when they appear. As soon as you notice this thought, name it gently according to its predominant quality. You can use simple notes like planning, remembering, judging, worrying, imagining, or fearful thought, happy thought, interesting thought, creative thought, painful thought, and so forth. Simply naming and acknow