Life Long Learner

Ep 49. Out Of Class - Simplicity and Human Connection



Out of class is a new segment of the Life Long Learner podcast. Out of class is the informal conversation between Gines, Matt, and Ben. The fellas this week chat about what is going on in their worlds at the moment. Matt chats about making the most of the recent great weather and putting physical activity and freedom as a number one priority. They explore the notion of systems in business and life to free up the time to give more freedom. Ben talks about the challenges in ‘getting it right’ and why we make things way more complicated than it needs to be. Especially nutrition, eating has become super complicated. They asked what did, ‘they used to do in the old day…?’ Is there are a part of the ego coming out to solve a complicated problem. Often the answer is simple. Simplicity can distill many things for us to be able to digest. However, in today’s society simple is not sexy. Specialists know more and more about less and less until the ultimate specialist everything about nothing. Currently, Australia is cur