Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#178: Integration - how to put what we learn into practice



Throughout the course of our lives we change many times. As life ebbs and flows, so do we.    One thing I know to be true is that sometimes creating that change we desire can be hard. Not because we aren’t capable, but because integrating new ways of being and living can come with its handful of challenges.    The key to integrating lessons, insights, and desired ways of being in a sustainable way into our lives all comes down to creating the right containers, and routines to let them become a part of how we live. It isn’t about this big drastic change, which can be hard to sustain. It’s about finding a way to weave what we desire into what we already do and have.    How to weave these new things into our lives is what we explore in this week's episode…   How creating macro and micro routines helps us ground ourselves in what we want to change That we need to integrate from a place of knowing we’re good and whole as we are - we aren’t broken nor do we need to be fixed How small adjustments can make a huge im