Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#182: Stop chasing the white rabbit of social media trends…



If you are anything like me, everytime a new social media platform or ‘must do to grow you business’ feature comes out, you might find yourself doing a familiar dance of ‘do I, don’t I’.    It’s easy to fall down the rabbit hole of keeping up with the Joneses when it comes to social media trends, platforms, and the do and don’ts that are always changing.    What we need to learn is how to master the art of letting go. Letting go of the feeling that we need to pivot and change every time a platform tells us too.    The reality is that social media is designed to keep us on its platform and they will do whatever necessary to keep us there.    That though, isn’t your goal is it?    Your objective is most likely to connect with your audience, provide them with something related to what you offer and at some point have some of your audience buy your product or service.    Social media is a tool that we use, but it isn’t the only tool we have available to us. We all need to remember this when interacting with it.