Iron: The Official Podcast Of Sierra Bible Church Reno

Communication: The Building Blocks of Unity DISCUSSION - Sermon Q&A



Join Jacob, Karl, and Cassidy as they answer your guys' questions about Karl’s recent message: “Communication: The Building Blocks of Unity”.  If you haven't heard the message yet, you can hear it through our sermon podcast feed here: sure to send any QUESTIONS or FEEDBACK to!Quickly Find the Segments You'd Like To Listen to:0:00 ► Introductions1:34 ► Sermon Recap5:35 ◊ What are some bible commentaries that you can recommend for studying the Bible?11:11 ◊ What is one example of you stumbling over your words that stands out in your memory?13:13 ◊ What is a theocracy?17:12 ◊ When was a time you remember where a spiritual leader in your life blessed you?20:27 ◊ How has the proliferation of communication mediums benefited and hurt our witness?22:38 ◊ What would you say are some of the most common miscommunications that happen within a church?26:19 ◊ How do you know when a division can’t be cleared up with communication and should lead to separating wa