Talking Tesla

Episode 195: FSD!



Breaking News:  ELON Opening up FSD BETA Program (on Twitter)Why do we not know how many people are in the beta? 10x is kinda meaningless without that data. Watched an interesting video,< showing an intersection and unprotected left turn when the opposing driver did not take the right of way and was an indicator of how the FSD reacts to that. Missed an entrance to a driveway and navigated to the next driveway Attempted to drive FSD into a self wash - Successful or not? Guesses from the boys!! Interesting edge case - can you guys think of any others like this? Does not slow down for the dips and bumps in the road - Would that be a warranty repair? Interesting thing to discuss. Delivery Truck double parked - How did the FSD do here? Will Robert be getting FSD beta?When Tesla expanded FSD beta from social media influencers (was in 2-phases, 20 then 100) to all Tesla Owner Club leadership in early November 2020, expected users would increase from 100 -> 1,000. I d