Business Owners & Entrepreneurs Podcast With Peter Boolkah | Business Coach | The Transition Guy®

How Accepting Change Can Help Your Business -- TTG125



I describe the change curve and how it can help you understand the process of accepting change. In a crisis like the one we’re facing, acceptance is the necessary stage that must occur before you can problem solve. Understanding the process of change can help you accept things more readily and prepare for a new future.The first steps are shock and denial. When I started hearing news stories about the virus in China, I did not take it seriously. I couldn’t understand why there was a push to prepare the country for an outbreak at home. After all, there have been other outbreaks in Asia in the past and the effects never traveled very far. In these beginning stages, it is hard to act because you have not yet accepted the gravity of the situation.The next step in the change curve is anger. Anger occurs as acceptance slowly starts to sink in. I was angry that we could have done more but didn’t. I was angry at China for not having done more. In this stage, blame is often passed around. Then comes bargaining. You beg