Business Owners & Entrepreneurs Podcast With Peter Boolkah | Business Coach | The Transition Guy®

The Future Of Freelance Work With Ross Kimbarovsky - 194



 In this conversation with Ross Kimbarovsky, founder of Crowdspring, we discuss the future of freelance, self employed jobs, and how businesses can adapt to a changing world. The thing is, the number of freelance jobs is on the rise. But remote work isn't for everyone either. Some people need the structure of a physical office space, while others thrive when they have the flexibility to work independently. For businesses wanting to create strong teams in the middle of these changes we face in the workforce, hiring is going to be a critical component. Ross Kimbarovsky shares that he doesn't just look at resumes anymore. To him, communication is the most important quality and so he evaluates a candidate’s ability to communicate through writing.  The future of freelance work is going to change the way businesses operate. But beyond the increase in self employed jobs and changes in the workforce, businesses will also have to change their messaging to reflect consumer expectations during this post-pandem