Business Owners & Entrepreneurs Podcast With Peter Boolkah | Business Coach | The Transition Guy®

Business Adaptability In A Global Pandemic W/ Kyran O'Neill - 197



 Why is it that despite being in the same industry, adapting to change in business has been harder for some businesses than others? As you may already know first-hand, business adaptability is especially critical today, in the middle of a pandemic, with an unprecedented and continuously changing business environment. In today’s episode, I’m joined by mental health and psychology expert Kyran O’Neill. We take a look at a trend that’s making its rounds in the world that I like to call "same storm different boats". The pandemic has touched everyone. However, its effects have been different on different people, with some people feeling it more, and others less. We’ve seen this phenomenon during this global crisis where business owners in the same industry have had very different reactions to pandemic conditions. The only way to explain these differences in level of business adaptability is by looking into the psychology behind them. People interpret their environments differently. They may get the same