Brilliant Content Ideas

Do this to make a big impact with your business



One of the growing entrepreneurial trends is to start a social enterprise. According to social entrepreneurship organisation Social Traders, In Australia, the number of social ventures has grown by 37% in the past five years. If you’re in business to be a force for good in the world but you’re drowning in social media sea amongst every other company out there, you’ll probably feel massive internal pressure to raise your profile and attract the right people to your cause. But just like every other business out there, you still need to bring your ideas to market and that means employing strategies that will help you stand out and attract attention in a crowded online marketplace. One of the key things I’ve been talking more about lately is leveraging your influencer ecosystem and the more I dig into this, the more I see huge benefits for focusing on this aspect of marketing. In this episode, I give you four steps to get you started on building your own influencer ecosystem so that you can make a bigger imp