
Pelléas et Mélisande podcast



Pelléas et Mélisande is Debussy’s only complete opera and with it he rightly earned his place as one of the most imaginative and pioneering composers of the early twenty-first century. In this episode of the Glyndebourne podcast we explore this seminal work with the help of British author Kate Mosse, Julian Johnson, Professor of Music at Royal Holloway College and Glyndebourne archivist Julia Aries. Presenter: Katie Derham Produced by Katherine Godfrey for Whistledown Productions for Glyndebourne Festival 2018 The music in this podcast is from the 1963 recording of Pelléas et Mélisande released on the Glyndebourne Label. Music by kind permission of G.Ricordi & Co(London)Ltd Image: Shadric Toop painted collage and photography