
2015-06-30 Infobitt Late Edition



Authorities said twelve correctional officers and prison executives, including the superintendent, have been placed on leave from the New York prison where two convicted murderers escaped. Captured convict David Sweat — who is portraying himself as the "mastermind" behind the elaborate 2-man escape from prison — did a "dry run" practice session the night before actually breaking free. Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras requested a new two-year bailout program from the euro region just hours away from Greece's payment deadline with the IMF. A survey found there is enough support among South Carolina legislators to take down the Confederate flag from the Statehouse grounds: 33 senators and 83 House members would vote to remove it. The Ku Klux Klan plans to hold a pro-Confederate flag rally at South Carolina's capitol, where a statue of a former state governor who championed white