Moore Ingram Johnson & Steele

Georgia Employment Lawyer | Marietta Employment Attorney | Jeffrey Daxe | MIJS



My favorite quote comes from my grandfather, it's actually titled "Recipe for good living." Something to do, someone to love, something to hope for. Hi, I'm Jeff Daxe. I'm a partner here at Moore Ingram Johnson and Steele, in our Employment Law Department. I've been here since I graduated from Law school in 1997. I head that department and we work on both employment litigation, as well as employment compliance issues, helping clients with handbooks and contracts and severance agreements but also audits and responding to charge of discrimination and wage and hour issues. All sorts of small business HR type compliance is what we deal with in the Employment Law group. Referring back to my favorite quote, "the something to do," I feel like it's worked with the purpose here at Moore Ingram Johnson and Steele. I interviewed back when it had fewer than 20 lawyers and this firm has grown as Cobb County and its business community and population have grown. And we've grown in our sophistication providing services t