Play Your Position With Mary Lou Kayser

394: Dr. Roger Hall on How to Be Happier and More Successful



It's what everyone wants. More happiness. More success. Today's guest, business psychologist Dr. Roger Hall, shares ways of getting both. He has one trick: training leaders to MONITOR and MANAGE their thinking. Successful people are first and foremost disciplined thinkers. Yogi Berra was right. He said, “Ninety percent of baseball is mental. The other half is physical.” He may not have been great at math, but he was right about successful people. Successful, happy people discipline their thoughts. Better thinking leads to better behavior, which leads to better results. Roger focuses his clients first on their thinking. Once that is lined up, the behavior follows pretty quickly and the improved results follow shortly after. Roger has worked with little companies with only a few people all the way up to big behemoths that dominate their industries. He likes working with people who want to become the best version of themselves. = = = = =   Ready to do something bigger with your ideas? **Register Today for TH