Chatham House - Undercurrents

BONUS: Thant Myint-U on Myanmar



In this bonus episode, Chatham House has teamed up with the Asia Matter podcast to co-publish a discussion of the latest developments in Myanmar.  The most shocking political development in Asia so far this year is arguably the seizure of power by the military in Myanmar, and the arrest of the country’s former de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi. The military’s crackdown on protests and other resistance against the coup has so far resulted in hundreds of deaths and thousands of arrests. In this episode the Asia Matters podcast discusses the impact of the coup and how the current situation may develop in the months ahead. Joining the conversation is Thant Myint-U, one of the best known historians of the country and the author most recently of The Hidden History of Burma. Undercurrents will return on Friday with a regular episode.