Northgate Christian Community

Kingdom Culture: Family



Roy Van Der Westhuizen Roy started a new series this week called Kingdom Culture. He started the series talking about the difference between the earthly family culture and the heavenly family culture. Each family is different and has a culture that is unique to them. In the same way that we are born into an earthly family, we are also born again into a heavenly family. Just like there is a culture to our earthly family there is also a culture to our heavenly family. The heavenly family culture is set by God and we are always working to more fully live out the heavenly family culture, in some cases this means renouncing our earthly family culture. This doesn’t mean that we reject the people but rather the views of that culture. Roy shared Mark 3:31-35 where Jesus’ family visited Jesus, but Jesus shared that those who do the father’s will are his family. He doesn’t reject them outright but indicates that the priority is to serve the Father. He always honors his mother, even when on the cross he makes sure that