Salty Language

Salty Language Episode 39 - Who Throws a Monocle?



In this episode, we rant about hologram Tupac, man attacks woman with pineapple, woman seduces teen through Call of Duty, teacher tells a student to read a poem "blacker", extra female gene makes mice extra horny, 1st grade student's funny abscence excuse, racist homework question, woman hides urine bottle in vagina, school mistates what African-American clothing is, man wants to legalize student/teacher relationships, man call cops because wife won't leave him alone, woman postpones wedding to get chemo for lizard, woman stabs man because she is tired of cooking for him, wrestling coach charged with 200 counts of child sex abuse, Borat theme played instead of Kazakhstan national anthem, man suawks like a bird in court, man has pool cue tip in head for 3 months, Batman gets pulled over, Starbucks stops using red dye from crushed bugs, Miss Universe and transgender contestants, our site of the week, and more!Subscribe / rate / review us on iTunes!Visit us /