Get Clarity With Jamie Smart

#054 - DEMO: Weight-loss and the language of connection



This episode features a coaching demo around weight-loss and fitness during lockdown that I did during a recent masterclass, "The Language of Insight & Transformational Change". I start by talking about the six 'languages of transformation' before diving into one of them, the language of connection.   You'll hear me coaching my client, Angela on her topic, weight-loss and staying fit and healthy while working on her online business. And as I work with her, you'll hear me demonstrating the language of connection to 'get her world' and find my way into a deeper connection with her. Angela's one of the people on my current Thriving Coaches Blueprint programme, so she's already had some breakthroughs in her coaching practice. So she decided to be particularly brave and dive into a topic that she's never discussed publicly before.   So here's the episode...   PS So a few days after we recorded this coaching demo, Angela sent me a Facebook message. Here's what she said:   My Experience Of The Coaching was that