Aussie Waves Podcast

AWP-05-The Chinese and the Gold Rush



AWP-05-The Chinese and the Gold Rush Ni Hao!   The Gold Rushes of the 1850s bought the first large numbers of Chinese settlers to Australia.  Before 1850 fewer than 50 or so Chinese migrants had come to Australia, but by the early 1860s this number had risen to 40,000. Many came out as bonded labourers having to work long hours mining for gold to pay off their fare.   The Chinese have had a great influence on Australian culture and of course cuisine. On the goldfields, however, they faced discrimination and violence. Two of the most infamous cases were the Lambing Flat Riots and the Buckland Riot.   This month’s recommendation is The Rise and Fall of China by the late Professor Richard Baum. The audio book may be downloaded from: Also check out: Bill Richardson’s article on Gavin Menzies’ claims at: Laszlo Montgomery’s China Histroy Podcast on the remarkable life of Admiral Zheng He at: