4k Glossy News Review - Comedy, Lifestyle & Technology

4K Glossy News PODCAST 029 (2-8-16)



The podcast is back with more, and now, with even more original than ever before. All of this is available in UHD on YouTube by searching "Glossy Podcast" or as an MP3 on iTunes by searching "Glossy News". Here are the topics covered in the the February 8th, 2016 4K/UHD podcast. * How you can run your home and family like a business to get amazing results. It's easier than you think. * Copyright is a broken system, but nowhere is it more broken than on YouTube, where a mega-corp can shutter your entire channel without even honestly looking once to see if your clip is Fair Use or abuse. YouTube doens't give a damn about small publishers, they just want to keep the big dogs happy and they do so at any price. * If you want to prank a friend, family member, or new girlfriend (perhaps even to test their loyalty,) you need only do this one $5 gag to keep them close to you or drive them away forever, though it will be two to six years before they full realize the full power of it. * My Pontiac is back in the shop ag