Boutique Cafe (enhanced)

Show #96 - Back to School Shopping



We're taking a break from Quilt Market this week and getting back to our podcasting roots! Don't worry more vidcast interviews from Market are on the way, including Joel Dewberry next week! (don't miss it) In this weeks show, Daria talks about Back to School shopping. Yes you heard us, it's time to order your custom boutique outfits for fall. Click on our banner in the sidebar to shop hundreds of BTS listings. Other show topics include Boutique News: Lil Peas BTS group launch,, Threaded Pear Studio - GIVEAWAY ends today!, MommyCast mentions us and Daria talks about the family channel. Song by Geoff Smith "Ones and 0s" - congrats Geoff on your new album! **Boutique Cafe is brought to you by Aveeno Baby from Johnson & Johnson. Thanks Aveeno! Please click on our Aveeno banner to show your support.