Killing Your Darlings

KYD 026 - The Brave Little Toaster



Our friends over at the Wine & Crime podcast (#podernfamily) put in a request for us to watch The Brave Little Toaster ... So we did...and hoo boy, this one is a doozy!  Wine & Crime ladies, I hope we're still friends after this one!  Your dear hosts did not grow up with this movie, so this one is a double blind taste test, darlings... Join us on the epic journey of a group of household items that leave the cabin they live in to find their master, a goofy red-headed kid named Bobby.  This movie is at times charming, funny and grimly dark.  Mostly that third one.  We're scarred for life now.  Find yourself a portable power source, plug in and don't forget to RATE, REVIEW & SUBSCRIBE!