Killing Your Darlings

KYD 029 - FernGully: The Last Rainforest



OK, so legit the creators of this movie should sue the crap out of the creators of Avatar because it's basically the same movie....except after this one I didn't wish I had the last three hours of my life back!  AWWWW SH***T!  But seriously, folks, we're here to do more than talk smack about Avatar...we're here to talk smack about this week's darling, FernGully: The Last Rainforest!  Starring bonafide 90s hotties, Samantha Mathis and Christian Slater, the late great Robin Williams, and acting genius Tim Curry, this animated feature follows the story of a colony of fairies living in the last rainforest in Australia and the battle that ensues with anthropomorphic pollution demon, Hexxus.  We've already established that Avatar does FernGully fare under our cynical adult eyes?  Tune in to find out!  And don't forget to rate, review and subscribe!