Killing Your Darlings

KYD 039 - Splash



Who doesn't love Tom Hanks?  For those of us that grew up in the golden age of Hanks, this movie is the one that started it all.  This week, we dive into Chrysten's darling, the 80s oceanic rom-com, Splash! When produce company owner, Allen Bauer's live-in girlfriend breaks up with him, he takes a cab ride from NYC to Cape Cod (not a real thing you can do in NY, btw) to do some soul searching.  While in Cape Cod he is saved from drowning by a mysterious, beautiful woman who follows him to NY.  They spend a week together and fall madly in love.  But there's something fishy about this mysterious lady...she's a mermaid!  Starring the aforementioned Tom Hanks as Allen, Daryl Hannah as Madison the mermaid, John Candy as Allen's womanizer brother, Freddie, and Eugene Levy as a crazy scientist hell bent on exposing Madison's secret to the world!  It's a sweet and sexy twist on your typical rom-com that Chrysten has loved since she was in short fins.  But will her cynical sweetheart, Dan, be as swept away?  Join us a