Killing Your Darlings

KYD 085 - Big



Darlings, we are deep into this quarantine.  Your hosts needed a pick-me-up.  Enter Big and the indisputable magic that is Tom Hanks... When 12 year old Josh Baskin (David Moscow) gets turned away from a carnival ride for being too small, he makes a wish that night to be big.  When he wakes up the next day for school, he finds that his wish has come true!  Transformed into a grown man overnight, Josh (Tom Hanks) goes on a mission to find the fortune telling machine that he made the wish on and change himself back.  But going from a grown-up to a kid again isn't as easy as it would seem!  Directed by the wonderful Penny Marshall, Big is considered by many to be necessary movie viewing.  Then why doesn't Dan want to watch it?  Join us and find out!  And don't forget to RATE, REVIEW & SUBSCRIBE!