God's Men Of Influence Podcast

#47 Life and Death “God is good, even when horrible things happen” - Mark Howerton



God is immensely greater than anything we can imagine or understand.  Mark Howerton became very in tune with the essence of his faith when working as a Pastor at Rock Harbor he was critically injured on the 55 when he was struck by a speeding car while trying to assist people who had had an accident on the highway.  The pain and recovery was such that his faith was shaken and Mark was forced to ask “Why would God allow bad things to happen to a good person?”   “Let your light shine before men that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in Heaven.” - Matthew 5:16   Mark is a licensed marriage and family therapist. He and his wife of 19 years have 4 children. Adoption was a priority to Mark and Kristen and they started with their first son from LA.  Next they had a biological daughter.  After that they adopted 2 more children through an organization in Port Au Prince,  Haiti. Biggest Weakness - Mark says that he is selfish, rude, narcissistic and entitled and is lazy about controlling thes