God's Men Of Influence Podcast

#80 Fear, Insecurity, Anxiety and the Healing Message of the Bible - Mark Giraud



What happens when you grow up lacking affection from your parents?  Insecurity, fear of transitions and anxiety ruled Mark Giraud until he read his bible and began to heal.   “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight” - Proverbs 3, 5 & 6 Mark is a wealth consultant for Vantaquest.  At Vantaquest, they encourage clients to find their calling not only financially but in life. Today Mark is grateful that God has brought him to a place where he can be obedient and happy in his relationship with the Lord and his family.  He’s very involved in Celebrate Recovery ministry. Biggest Weakness - A drive to perform that became a false Idol and an effort to control. Biggest Strength - Commitment to Christ and be faithful. Dark Time - Grew up in New Orleans and was missing a lack of emotional connection with his parents.  Normal transitions were difficult for Mark, because life felt scary.  Mark struggled with l