God's Men Of Influence Podcast

#84 - Drugs, Sex, Theft, Molestation, Domestic Abuse, Infidelity and finding God - Andy Jones Part 2



Andy Jones should be locked away in prison, but God saved him.  Through a life of molestation, drugs, sex, theft and domestic abuse God was with him, but he refused to listen.  Andy has served as a ministry leader at Celebrate Recovery Ministry at Seacoast Grace Church, a ministry that helps broken people find their way back to God through a 12 step Christ based program.  This is his amazing testimony. “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her” - John 8:7 Biggest Weakness - Profanity Biggest Strength - Compassion and empathy Dark Time - Born to an alcoholic mother and father Andy struggled as a child.  At 7 years old he was put into a mental institution.  He was a wild child that his parents couldn’t handle.   If you misbehaved, you were locked into the white room where he saw his mom leave on a visit.   Andy stayed there for 16 weeks and then bounced back and forth between his mom and her crazy boyfriend and her dad and his abusive girlfriend.   Because he wet the bed, she