God's Men Of Influence Podcast

#86 The Mystery Behind Finding His biological Parents - Paul Aubin Part 2



God has a purpose for your life regardless of whether you’re adopted or not.  Paul Aubin is a Chair person for a faith-based organization named Convene focused on CEO’s building Christian based businesses and comes on to tell the remarkable story and mystery behind his adoption. “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’ - Mathew 25:21   Married to a Women’s Pastor who works with couples named Margaret.  Together they have 7 children. Biggest Weakness - Because of his adoption he seeks validation and acceptance through sports and work.  Now he gets affirmation from God, but he still struggles. Biggest Strength - God has made it clear that he is to lead other men to be men of God.  To lead men from pride to humility. Dark Time - in 2000 things went bad for about 5 years.  When Paul lost his job, he lost his identity.  He went through financial issues, divorce, health pro