Beats, Beards & Brews

Episode #34 - The Shins, Skully's Beard Oil, Hanalei Island IPA



What's that smell? The patchouli-infused fragrance of hipster BS is in the air during Episode #34 of Beats, Beards & Brews as the dudes review The Shins' fifth and latest release Heartworms. Prepare your ears to be indie rocked. Dan and Eric test out some beard oils from Skully's out of Victorville, California, a relative newcomer to the beard oil scene. A review is given to Skully's Peacemaker blend of bergamot and lime with a hint of vanilla, but other scents are referenced, as the order of the oil also included a free sampler pack of eight flavors. Evan delivers some background on Kona Brewing Company and everyone struggles to pronounce Hanalei (Hahn-ah-lay), as in Han Solo, not Hannah. The dumbest part of this debate is that Eric pronounces it correctly in the intro. So really there should have been no debate, but everyone's feeling surly! Long story short, the gang gets transported to POG flavortown as they drink several Hanalei Island IPAs, which we assume tastes a lot like guava if anyone actually