George And Tony Entertainment Show

George and Tony Entertainment Show #101



Star Wars, Disney, and Chucky Baby Happy New Year! While Tony continues to celebrate the arrival of 2016, welcome to the George and Chucky Baby Entertainment Show! Chucky Baby is the term of endearment we use every week to thank Chuck Strauch for designing our fantastic logo. Chuck joins George this week to talk about wrapping up the holidays, Star Wars: The Force Awakens (with no spoilers), and our mutual love of Disney theme parks and resorts. You'd think Disney would be a logical sponsor of this episode but you would be wrong. Instead, we would like to ask that you use the Amazon link at to redeem all those Amazon gift cards you got for Christmas...and just use it for all your online shopping in general. Plus, this is the year we want to step up our grass roots effort to spread the word about the show. Please leave us a five star review on iTunes and introduce your friends and family to the show. 2016 - The Year We Grow The Show...with your help! Thank you.