George And Tony Entertainment Show

George and Tony Entertainment Show #103



Dennis The Cynic's Hat Trick Tony has begun his hiatus from the show to prep for his PMP exam. This week, George is joined by Dennis the Cynic, the co-host of The City That Breeds and The Gaming Marathon, both on the RELM Network. Can he hit the trifecta and become the co-host of this show, too? Find out as our heroes discuss the Baltimore riots of 2015, fitness plans, driving cross country in two days, Star Trek, and...POLITICS??!! And what the heck is The City That Breeds Games For Kirk's Entertainment Show At Marc's Pizzeria? Darned if we know! Dennis is known as Dennis the Cynic on all forms of social media, including Facebook and Twitter. Check out his website at And don't forget to listen to The City That Breeds and The Gaming Marathon and all the other fine shows on the RELM Network. Please tell your friends. Let's keep that grass roots effort going throughout 2016. Subscribe on iTunes and leave us a five star review so like-minded people can discover the show. Thank you for you