George And Tony Entertainment Show

George and Tony Entertainment Show #104



Snowmageddon 2016 with Bryan Loy We interrupt our regularly scheduled second anniversary episode (yes, the boys forgot it was their anniversary) with this special report about the blizzard of 2016. Snowmageddon has hit the east coast and George and guest co-host Bryan Loy (, from Ten Bucks a Throw podcast, cover the event from the Snowzilla HQ in the boiler room studios. George tells us about his adventures in shoveling, then our heroes fit in movie talk. Bryan tells us about some of the best and worst films of 2015. Don't miss his appearances on the show Picture Lock ( Plus, what is Bryan reading? Our apologies to Rich Gollhofer and Kristina Moorhead of Comic Logic in Ashburn, VA ( They were the scheduled guests for this week's show. Due to the opportunities presented by the extreme weather, we have postponed their episode to next week. Comic Logic is known as comiclogicva on all forms of social media. Please follow