George And Tony Entertainment Show

George and Tony Entertainment Show #105



Kumamon's Space Jeans at Comic Logic With a title like that, it has to be good! Postponed from last week thanks to Snowmageddon 2016, you now get to hear a brainstorming, stream of consciousness episode with George, Rich Gollhofer (check the archives for his previous appearances on episodes 32 and 89) and Kristina Moorhead (new to the show!) of Comic Logic in Ashburn, VA. Check them out at and follow and "Like" them on Facebook and Twitter. With Tony still shoveling, George talks to his guests about another Drink and Draw, upcoming events at the store, Fluxx, blind boxes, Star Wars, and a whole lot of fun things. Wanna see Kristina's embroidered bags, hoodies, and cosplay costumes? Shop at  Shout outs to Sergio at Ashburn Wine Shop (, Kevin Bednarz (the Rouge...not a typo...Leader at Comic Logic..., and, oh yeah, George hates Ben!!! Please share and subscribe, especially on iTunes