George And Tony Entertainment Show

George and Tony Entertainment Show #172



Guardians, Doctors, and Disneyland Perennial guest co-host Rob Shade returns to fill in for Tony. Rob talks George off the ledge in the first five minutes of the show then joins the conversation about Free Comic Book Day 2017, Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2, and the trials and tribulations of a novice cast member at Disneyland. Plus, Rob picks some nits from the Doctor Who discussion George had with Rich Gollhofer of Comic Logic in Ashburn, VA ( two weeks ago on episode 170 (check our archives on iTunes and subscribe). We know every podcaster asks you to use their links and show codes when doing all your online shopping at Amazon. Odds are they have other ways for you to support them via paid sponsors, Patreon pages, or straight up Donate buttons. We don't have any of that stuff. Please use the Amazon link at for all your online shopping and use the other methods to help out your other favorite podcasts. Thank you for listening.